Creating a Personal Brand

Personal branding is something that many college-age students don't give much though to. We often just send out tweets and snaps with no fear of what they may do to the image of ourselves that it leaves on our followers. The chapter we are focusing on this week is all about branding, and the different ways you can control your brand appearance. While reading through the chapter, I found myself making notes of how I want to take the information to improve my own personal brand as I continue to the end of undergrad and (hopefully) find a career after Ohio Northern. 

The branding has to start with knowing how you would define yourself. Well, I would identify my characteristics as headstrong, unwavering, independent and creative young adult. I communicate best through spoken and written conversation, while taking into account my experiences both at home and here on campus. My branding should carry over my personality traits of being welcoming and open while remaining strong. To come up with these things for your own brand may be difficult, since it takes the ability to look inside yourself from as minimally biased of a position as you can. You have to be able to notice where your weaknesses are, which is something that young adults often find trouble with genuinely performing. We may be overdramatic sometimes and say that we're bad at everything, but this has to be a genuine introspective look into your true meaning and purpose. 

Overall, personal branding is exactly that. Personal. It isn't the same for everyone, but we can all find our way to the best brand for us by taking that inner look into who we really are. Once you determine those characteristics and what they mean, you're prepared to revolutionize how others view you on various social platforms. 

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