Introduction to Social Media

Throughout this week's readings for our course, there was a strong focus on personal branding. I really love this topic, as it is something I've always tried to have a focus on in my social media accounts. Often times, young adults around my age just post whatever is on their minds, regardless of how appropriate it may be if a future employer was to see the post. Growing up, my mother really stressed the importance of a clean social media presence. Working at a prestigious healthcare facility, she saw the things that happened to people when they posted something inappropriate and it was caught. Termination, or not even getting the job in the first place. It is important for us as students to think about the things we show on our social media, and how they could be interpreted years from now if they were to be found. Even if my profile is on private, I must acknowledge that it is my responsibility for it to be professional and put together. My account names are my actual name, with quality profile photos, as well as a clear story of empowerment and equality, two things I stand for strongly as an individual. Overall, the first reading was very beneficial for us to take a look at our own pages, and begin to analyze what we can begin to do better as we move forward through not only this course but our professional lives as a whole. 


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